Now that we’ve learnt the basics of paid social media marketing here, lets look at setting up a social media marketing strategy.
Set up a Goal – First thing to do before starting any marketing campaign is to set your goals. Social media marketing is no different. You don’t start a campaign before you have set the goals for your campaign. Each ad that you set up needs to help you drive the goal you have for that particular ad be it increasing sales, followers, new leads or newsletter sign ups. Your ad creative, copy and Call to Action (also called CTA is the main action you want the user to perform like Buy Now for shopping websites or Subscribe Now for lead generation). Its very important that each ad should have one and only one goal and CTA according to which it is designed. Having multiple CTAs can be detrimental to your ad’s performance.
Research your audience – We read here the benefit of social media and the targeting it allows us through demographic information of its users. But in addition to that its also important that you research your audience by also checking similar businesses. In fact social media also allows you to target users that are interested in particular brands or businesses so it allows you to target people who are interested in your competitors and vice versa.
Select the right platform – Its important to understand which platform your target audience is going to be most active on so that you don’t waste time and money on platforms that are not right for your business. You can use analytics tools like Google Analytics to check what platforms are driving the most traffic to your website and invest more in those rather than spend money on all platforms.
Now you can go ahead and start creating your ad post here
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