Employee engagement has become one of the most important metrics in organisations, particularly those looking to increase productivity and profits. With engaged employees proving to be far more intrinsically motivated, ready to take innovative risks, and less likely to leave the organisation for a different one, it’s no secret why employee engagement has become such a vital part of the way organisations shape their policies. Whether you are starting a new business, or are looking to improve the way your current business functions, engagement must be one of your first focus areas.

Offer timely recognition
Everyone craves recognition for their hard work, and when this basic need is not met, employees tend to grow increasingly disillusioned with the workplace and begin to seek employment elsewhere. One of the key ways to improve productivity and motivation amongst your workforce is to offer timely recognition for tasks carried out well. Instruct your managers to make recognition a public affair, allowing high-performers to enjoy praise from not only their superiors but also their peers, thereby enhancing the moment for them. It is essential to keep in mind that this recognition must be timely – praising an employee for a task completed 6 months ago just won’t have the same effect as offering recognition at the end of the task.
Bring rewards into the mix
Although cash is a strong motivator, it’s actually the weakest mode of motivation when used consistently. This is because people get acclimatised to cash rewards quickly, and the buzz of the reward dulls down over time. Conversely, non-cash rewards like electronics, luxury products, and vacations prove to be far more meaningful and are hence, better motivators. Implementing periodic target-based contests, especially for sales personnel, not only helps you draw out great performance from your employees, but also enables you to get them truly excited about the contest itself.
Offer learning opportunities
No one wants to feel as though they’ve stopped growing, irrespective of their position on the corporate ladder. One of the best ways to boost engagement, motivation, and even brand loyalty amongst your workforce is by offering learning opportunities. You must ensure that all learning is relevant to the employee’s skill levels and expected roles to make sure that they not only pursue the learning actively, but also stand to gain something out of it. Investing in a learning opportunity works really well for organisations – you get to train your workforce to perform better while you sit back and reap the rewards. Like recognition, learning must be consistent. You can’t have a barrage of e-books and webinars one year and absolutely nothing the next! So, schedule regular sessions and make sure you teach actionable lessons. Smaller companies that do not want to invest in e-learning content can benefit greatly from setting a mentorship program in place that allows experienced employees to teach newer ones.
Nothing boosts your company’s sales and productivity (along with word of mouth amongst talented individuals looking for jobs) the way employee engagement does. Set time aside to understand what your teams need and how you can ensure they feel valued.
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